Drama was witnessed during yesterday’s parliamentary sitting when the speaker and the majority leaders started exchanging words. Speaking on matters, concerning the ex- native bank owners who have petitioned the government to enquire why ministry of finance ordered the Bank of Ghana take over their property, the Speaker, said, “It is not of the speaker to be a jury and a judge at the same time. The speaker does not take the decisions of the house, but it is the house that takes the decisions.”
“Petitions are not necessary directed at the government or members of the government; they are concerns raised by the concerned citizens on issues that they feel they must get some relief and one of the sources is to go throughout their MPs to the House.” Stated the speaker.
Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, the majority leader did not like what the speaker said concerning the petition, “You have made a statement to the effect that the petition must be referred to a committee to make some proposals, but perhaps we will leave it like that. But I disagree with the position that you have taken.”
Furthermore, the majority leader reminded Alban Bagbin, that when he was a member of parliament, he always emphasized that members should speak from their seats for easier identification by the speaker. Nevertheless, from the time he became the speaker of parliament, he does not follow what he used to say. The majority leader requested him to be consistent.